Jeff Herboldshimer
North Sacramento

Associated Inspection

Jeff Herboldshimer
Experience is not Expensive
Experience is Priceless




10329 Township Road
Live Oak, CA 95953
(530) 713-9393


Contractor Referral

This is a list of contractors you might check with for your repair/remodels. I have no monetary interest in any of these businesses. Some of the contractors have been friends of mine for years, some have been recommended to me by others. If you have recieved good service from a service provider, e-mail me with their name to be considered for inclusion. If you recieve poor service, please let me know.

McNally's 742-5101
Whitney Appliance Repair 673-3746

Caldwell's Cabinets 695-2681

Carpet and Flooring
Jeff French (530) 673-0649

Carpet Cleaning
Tom Tripp 530 846-5367

Cleaning Supplies
Shadd Janitorial 673-0083

Contractor Specializing in Repairs
Cache Construction 530 301-2145
Bob Hayward 682-3352

Tracy Taylor Construction 510-5151

Countertops Unlimited 742-1535

Electrical Contractors
Dave Stockmal 844-3283
McCarley Electric 671-4178
Hammond Electric 671-2149

General Contractors
George Natalie 218-3731
Jim @ Yuba/Sutter Builders 682-5301

Heating and Air Contractors
Larry @ LJ HVAC 301-9632
Lee Hendrix 415-9234

Meeks Lumber (Yuba City) 673- 6335

Stanfield 755-2300

Internet/ DSL / Webhosting

Sterling Burrow-(530) 674-1623

Lumber and materials
Close Lumber (Sutter)755-0055
Union Lumber (Marysville) 743-4621
Meeks Lumber (Yuba City) 673-6335

Masonary/Brick Contractor
Garret Scroggins 755-7506

Paint, wallpaper, and drywall
Charles Jenning's Painting 682-4213
Brown's Drywall 530 633-2102

Pest Service
Excaliber (Bud) 671-9223
Sorenson's 742-2116

Bi County Pools 674-0405

Plumbing Contractors
Mike Whitmer 308-1406
Shane Harden 218-1949
John Carter 674-1332

Phone System Install
Dave Stockmal 844-3283

Norcal Wireless (AT&T) 822-5504

Pump and Well Service
Jerry Fulkerson673-0874
Valley Pump 673-2930

Tile Installation and repairs
Jim @ All About Tile 751-1287
Chris @ Table Mountain Tile 693-0797

Windows/Shower enclosures/Mirrors
Lou @ McCumber Glass 740-1386

Window Coverings
Tammy Carr 530 693-0038

Wood Floor Refininshing
Don's Hardwood Floors 271-1448

Elvin @ Action Roofing 682-9276
Hubbert's Roofing 674-8486
Chris Danzero 713-4769 (foam)

Septic systems and Line Scope
Cost u less Plumbing
Joe Woods 530 315-2966

Stucco Repair
Western Plastering (530) 751-7171